วันพุธที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550


The dog is the honest animal. Many people peed dog to take care of the house and for enjoying too. I thought the dog look like friend. When I was lonely I would talk with it and I thought it understand me.
In my high school I did report. I didn’t know what is the report that I wanted to do. I thought I would do report about something that I like and I thought I love dog and I wanted to know history of dog.
When I searched at internet, it made me know about history of dog.
The history of dog is dog has lineage from fox and develop from gray fox because gray fox has instinct from fox but it is the honest dog with owner. So, the gray fox is the first dog that many people feed it because twelve thousand years ago had the first dog that many people feed it and the archeologist found skeleton of dog and human but human carried the dog, the skeleton is ten thousand years ago. The skeleton of dog look like lineage of dog is Canan. The Canan is the dog from Israel in present.
The reason that made many people feed gray fox because fox followed human for ate food scraph. So, human caught puppy for feed in their house and they belive the fox can level the ground foe\r make it was tame more than other animal. Next, the fox expand lineage and develop that make the dog has many lineage.
The first lineage of dog such as Bdingo it is the fox but it is the fox from Australia. Dingo is ferocious dog and it came to alive at forest again.
The Middle East has the old lineage of dog is Saluki, it has many age such as thousand years ago.
In America has many lineage of dog such as Alakanmalamoot to Shivava in Maxico.
In Europe develop lineage of dog for use to take care of the house and for raise animals.
The fox in Asia is small dog more than any country but the fox in Asia is the first lineage of many dogs and it was widespread from the middle eat to the middle of Africa such as Pugking, it is not change character from two thousand years ago or Japanese dog it has lineage of dog from China and import in Japan from two thousand and seven hundred years ago. Japanese dog is very popular in King’s Court of Japan.
This is the history of dog.I thought dogs are animals that many people feed it in their house because the dog can side with human. When many feed dog, it make they have cantle more than the past.In Thailand, many family feed dog to take care. My family feed five dog because my father love dog so much. So, I saw the dog at home when I was young that make me love dog too.

วันพุธที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My special experience

My uncle fed Peneus Spaniard of area equal to 48,000 square metres. My uncle feed Peneus Spaniard at Chanthaburi.
When my uncle wanted to be take Peneus Spaniard, I went to my uncle’s house. I didn’t know my uncle wanted to be take Peneus Spaniard with worker, at this time I was young and my grandmother said I couldn’t do it and I didn’t have clothes for change when I finished to be take Peneus Spaniard but my uncle knew I wanted to do it, he said he would buy new clothes for me.
So, I went to be take Peneus Spaniard with uncle and my grandmother. When I would to take Peneus Spaniard, it jumped and it’s head had something is very sharp and pointed. Suddenly, it stabed in my finger. My finger felt pain but I didn’t tell my grandmother because I felt fun when I tried to take Peneus Spaniard.
When I finished, my grandmother saw my finger, she said why I didn’t tell her about my finger. I said I’m ok. Next, my grandmother wanted to administer first aid.
I thought it was a good experience, though my finger felt pain but I was very happy.

My house

My house stay at Chanthaburi, and around the house has orchard such as durian, rambutam, lichi, and longon but I don’t like these fruits because I think I saw them when I was young, and I ate there when I was young. So, it made me I don’t
like it.
My house has 2 dogs, one dog is Golden Retriever, it’s name is Fefa, and other dog is German Cheaper, it’s name is Ronaldo. Two dogs I gave their names by myself.
My house is near the beach, it may be 7 km. from my house to the beach. So, when my friends came to my house, I would rode bicycle went to the beach in the evening.
When I was 8 years old, I went to Bangkok at St. Joseph Bangna. At first, I thought I pleased because I wanted to study at Bangkok but when I arrived at here, I always cry all day because I missed my home and my family.
The time passed very fast, I came back at home at holiday at Christmas day. I was very happy because I never came back home for a long time.
I studied at St. Joseph Bangna, I stayed at the dormitory. I met one friend, her house stayed at Chanthaburi same with me. So, when she came back home, I would go home with her too.
I love my house too much because when I came back home, I felt very happy and relax. I thought don’t have any where that make me happy more than my house.

วันอังคารที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Bananas is my favourite fruit because when I was young I ate bananas with my breakfast, my grandmother told me bananas has many vitamins, it made me clever.
So every morning I will eat bananas with breakfast. Today I search internet about bananas, it make me know about bananas more the past. The internet told me about usefulness of bananas and history of bananas such as the fruit can eat, leave can use for container of Thai dessert, bananas blossom can use for cooking, and trunk of bananas can use for small tray made of bananas.
Bananas can use every part for do many things. Next, I will tell about history of bananas and usefulness of bananas.
The true origin of Bananas, world's most popular fruit, is found in the region of Malaysia. By way of curious visitors, bananas traveled from there to India where they are mentioned in the Buddhist Pali writings dating back to the 6th century BCE. In his campaign in India in 327 BCE, Alexander the Great relished his first taste of the banana, an usual fruit he saw growing on tall trees. He is even credited with bringing the banana from India to the Western world. According to Chinese historian Yang Fu, China was tending plantations of bananas in 200 CE. These bananas grew only in the southern region of China and were considered exotic, rare fruits that never became popular with the Chinese masses until the 20th century.
Eventually, this tropical fruit reached Madagascar, an island
Off the southeastern coast of Africa. Beginning in 650 CE Islamic warriors traveled into Africa and were actively engaged in the slave trade. Along with the thriving business in slave trading, the Arabs were successful in trading ivory along with abundant crops of bananas. Through their numerous travels westward via the slave trade, bananas eventually reached Guinea, a small area along the West Coast of Africa. By 1402 Portuguese sailors discovered the luscious tropical fruit in their travels to the African continent and populated the Canary lslands with their first banana plantations. Continuing the banana's travels westward, the rootstocks were packed onto a ship under the charge of Tomas de Berlanga, a Portuguese Franciscan monk who brought them to the Caribbean island of Santo Domingo from the Canary Islands in the year 1516. It wasn't long before the banana became popular throughout the Caribbean as well as Central America. Arabian slave traders are credited with giving the banana its popular name. The bananas that were growing in Africa as well as Southeast Asia were not the eight-to-twelve-inch giants that have become familiar in the U.S. supermarkets today. They were small, about as long as a man's finger. Ergo the name banana, Arabic for finger. The Spaniards, who saw a similarity to the plane tree that grows in Spain, gave the plantain its Spanish name, platano.
It was almost three hundred and fifty years later that Americans tasted the first bananas to arrive in their country. Wrapped in tin foil, bananas were sold for 10 cents each at a celebration held in Pennsylvania in 1876 to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Instructions on how to eat a banana appeared in the Domestic Cyclopaedia of Practical Information and read as follows: "Bananas are eaten raw, either alone or cut in slices with sugar and cream, or wine and orange juice. They are also roasted, fried or boiled, and are made into fritters, preserves, and marmalades."
Bananas are grown in 132 countries worldwide, more than any other fruit crop .In popular culture and commerce, "banana" usually refers to soft, sweet "dessert" bananas that are usually eaten raw. The bananas from a group of cultivars with firmer, starchier fruit are generally used in cooking rather than eaten raw. Bananas may also be dried and ground into banana flour. Although the wild species have fruits with numerous large, hard seeds, virtually all culinary bananas have seedless fruits. Bananas are classified either as dessert bananas (meaning they are yellow and fully ripe when eaten) or as green cooking bananas. Almost all export bananas are of the dessert types; however, only about 10-15% of all production is for export, with the U.S. and EU being the dominant buyers.
Some people don’t like to eat bananas, but I thought bananas is a good fruit, and Thailand can cultivate bananas in many place it is easy to eat and it has many usefulness.
If many people eat bananas, the agriculturist will increase of income.

วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My high school

My high school is St. Joseph Bangna and my high school is boarding school. I chose to study about Biology, Physical, Ghemistry and Mathematich but my high school has many subject such as Chinese, Japanese and Franch.
I choose to study about Biology, Physical, Ghemistry and Mathematich because I want to be a phamacist and I love to study Sciences and Mathematich.
Every day I study Math, Biology, Physical, Ghemistry, English and Ethics. When I began to study, the first subject is Biology, I thought I like this subject because Biology is about environment and human activities. I could get 100% from the exam.
The first time, when I study Ghemistry I thought I don’t like this subject because I don’t understand about the text. Next time I don’t understand too, it made I don’t like this subject.
My dream was destroy because I wanted to be a pharmacist but I don’t like to study Ghemistry. A pharmacist must use Ghemistry more than Biology and Physical. I thought I must find the new dream that I want to be in the future.
When I study in high school, I stayed at my dormitory. I had close friends, we stay with together every time because we study with together, in the evening we went to dormitory, ate dinner, did our homework and slept.
My dormitory had only the girls because my high school has only the girls study, I had one teacher in my dormitory, she is cancer, I always take care herself. I love her so much because she take care me every time. When I had problem, I could talk with her and she made me relax and happy.
In my classroom I had best friends. I had the name of my group is “Smile” because when we stayed with together, we were very happy and we talk about joke that it made everybody laugh and smile.
When I stayed grade 12. I was the last grade, we went to Pattaya. We rested at Ambassader Hotel, we wanted to go to the beach but the beach at Pattaya is very dirty and has the stone on the beach. The stone made my feet hurt. So we went to swimming at the pool.
Next, I went to dormitory for said goodbye to my teacher, my teacher gave the doll for me. I cried in the last day that I stayed at my high school.
I thought, when I stay at here I wanted to graduate early but the last day I didn’t want to get out from my high school bacause I don’t want to be away from my teacher and my friends.
Next, I went to my house at Chanthaburi because I waited the score of my entrance, I chose to study in Faculty of Law. But I failed in my Entrance. So I went to Assumption University for study at here because ABAC has good English and I thought I must have new experience at here. In Faculty of Law at here has good teacher taught students.

วันอังคารที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Shopping day

Last Wednesday I went to Siam with Ying because I don’t have the class on this day.
First, I went to Siam Center, I went to the third Floor because we were very hungry. We ate Japanese food.
Next, we finished the lunch. We went to the Loft at Siam Discovery but the Loft closes because it improved. Then, we walk to Siam Center again, we went to buy the shoes.
After that, we went to Siam Paragon, Ying went to see the cosmetics because Ying want to buy for her mother birthday.
She bought a nice gift for her mother. Then, Ying went to buy clothes, and we saw many brand of clothes.
Next, we walked to Central World. I was very tired because we walked for a long time, and my shoes made my feet feel pain.
So, I arrived at Central World, we stopped and bought fruit water. When I drank fruit water, I felt good and fresh.
Then, we went to second floor, Ying bought cosmetics for herself. Next, we walk to sit fifth floor because Ying went to by the doll. I saw my watch, it was 4 p.m. So, I said we must went to my dormitory because in the evening the traffic is very object.
When we arrived at dormitory the rain was falling down. My cloth wet, I did’t like it. I’m not strong. The rain can make me sick so Ying came home and I went to take a bath.
Next, I went to eat dinner because my grandmother cooked food dor me. After that, I did my homework of Science man and environment until 8 p.m. I saw the series at channel 3.
At 11 p.m. I brushed my teeth and I went to sleep but I unable to sleep.
On Friday I went to home with my friend in the evening. My uncle cooked food for dinner. My uncle is judge, he was a good man and he can cook very well.
Next, I went to take the shower and I went to my bedroom for saw television, so my friend to take a shower. We talk with together for a long time until we slept.
On Saturday, I woke up early because we went to exercise at park. We ran around the park. Next, we eat rice gruel and orange juice, we bought food for eat the lunch. We went to home, I and my friend went to pet shop at Sukhumvit because we took dog for take a shower and cut it’s hair.
After that, we went to Central Bangna because we went to reserve Harry Potter at B2S. Then, we bought Mister Donut and we bought bread at Yamasaki.
Next, we went to pet shop for took the dog went to home. Then, we ate the lunch and I play tha game, my friend saw television until 6 p.m. We went to downstair for ate dinner. My uncle cooked food by himself it was dilicious.
After that, my uncle took me my dormitory at 8 p.m. Then, I arrived at my dormitory, my friend stay with me until tomorrow.

วันอังคารที่ 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2550

In my holiday

This day I had the exam. This is Science man and Environment. I had the exam at 12 o’clock. I woke up early for read a book again, I thought I wasn’t sure because I was different subject. When I came into the room, I didn’t understand about question but I read the question again and again. So that, I understood more than the first. Then I did the exam until 2 p.m. I waited my friends behind the room. When my friends came out of the room, I told my friends I wanted to go to The Mall Bangkapi because I wanted to relax. So, Ying and Gift went to The Mall Bangkapi with me. Ying and Gift told me they couldn’t do the exam, I said it ok.The final you try again.
When I arrived at The Mall Bangkapi, I went to eat launch at Sizzler because last night I dreamt I went to eat Sizzler. So, Ying and Gift ate Sizzler with me. I ate pock Boston. I like that because the pock is very soft and I like salad at here, the Sizzler had many vegetables that I could choose and had many soups.
Next, I went to shopping. The first, Ying wanted to buy the shirt, she saw many bands but she could buy anything. So that, I went to buy Harry Potter but I didn’t buy it because it had only English language. Then I walked around The Mall Bangkapi, and I went to buy sushi at Oishi.
We went to ABAC again because I stayed at dormitory near ABAC. When I arrived at ABAC, I went to buy magazine and cartoon. Ying invited me to go to Siam next Wednesday because she wants to buy he gift for her mother. I agree it because I want to buy the gift for my friend too. Then I came to my dormitory. Next I took a bath because I wanted to see the series at channel three.
I saw the series and ate sushi. At 10 p.m. I wanted to sleep because tomorrow I will go to home at chanthaburi.
Next day my father called me at 7 a.m. for awoke me but I didn’t wake up, I woke up at 8 a.m. Then I took a bath and at9 a.m. my father arrived at my dormitory. Next I and my father ate breakfast at ABAC. After that, I went to chanthaburi. When I arrived at Chanthaburi, I went to my grandmother’s home because my grandmother called me. She wanted me went to her home because she had cook for me.
When I arrived at my grandmother’s home, I saw the new puppy. It name is “Jenny”. It is Golden Retriever. I met my aunt at here, I love my aunt very much. Then I went to my home, my father invited me to ride a bicycle to the beach, I said OK. Because I wanted to exercise and relax.
This way is 17 kilometers. When I arrived the beach, the sun was falling down, it was very beautiful. Next, I came back to my home. My father did cook finish, then we ate the dinner. After that I went to took a bath, and play the computer. At 10 p.m. I called my friend “Lin”, I talked with her 1 hour. Then I read a magazine and cartoon, and I want to sleep because my mother doesn’t like if I woke up late.