วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

My high school

My high school is St. Joseph Bangna and my high school is boarding school. I chose to study about Biology, Physical, Ghemistry and Mathematich but my high school has many subject such as Chinese, Japanese and Franch.
I choose to study about Biology, Physical, Ghemistry and Mathematich because I want to be a phamacist and I love to study Sciences and Mathematich.
Every day I study Math, Biology, Physical, Ghemistry, English and Ethics. When I began to study, the first subject is Biology, I thought I like this subject because Biology is about environment and human activities. I could get 100% from the exam.
The first time, when I study Ghemistry I thought I don’t like this subject because I don’t understand about the text. Next time I don’t understand too, it made I don’t like this subject.
My dream was destroy because I wanted to be a pharmacist but I don’t like to study Ghemistry. A pharmacist must use Ghemistry more than Biology and Physical. I thought I must find the new dream that I want to be in the future.
When I study in high school, I stayed at my dormitory. I had close friends, we stay with together every time because we study with together, in the evening we went to dormitory, ate dinner, did our homework and slept.
My dormitory had only the girls because my high school has only the girls study, I had one teacher in my dormitory, she is cancer, I always take care herself. I love her so much because she take care me every time. When I had problem, I could talk with her and she made me relax and happy.
In my classroom I had best friends. I had the name of my group is “Smile” because when we stayed with together, we were very happy and we talk about joke that it made everybody laugh and smile.
When I stayed grade 12. I was the last grade, we went to Pattaya. We rested at Ambassader Hotel, we wanted to go to the beach but the beach at Pattaya is very dirty and has the stone on the beach. The stone made my feet hurt. So we went to swimming at the pool.
Next, I went to dormitory for said goodbye to my teacher, my teacher gave the doll for me. I cried in the last day that I stayed at my high school.
I thought, when I stay at here I wanted to graduate early but the last day I didn’t want to get out from my high school bacause I don’t want to be away from my teacher and my friends.
Next, I went to my house at Chanthaburi because I waited the score of my entrance, I chose to study in Faculty of Law. But I failed in my Entrance. So I went to Assumption University for study at here because ABAC has good English and I thought I must have new experience at here. In Faculty of Law at here has good teacher taught students.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Jasper กล่าวว่า...

Seems like a great period in Highschool!